Science Gallery Melbourne embeds research within the fabric of all our programs and operations.

Science Gallery Melbourne is a living laboratory for all disciplines hosting events, live research, exhibitions, performances and other weird things all year round.

We want to know about your research! Can you see yourself conducting live research experiments alongside a Science Gallery exhibition season? Would you like to expose your work to thousands of young people? Are you keen to collaborate with creative practitioners interested in your area of expertise? Do you want more engagement outcomes for your research? Or do you want to take part in our public events?

We want to connect you with the public, creative practitioners, academics and industry both locally and globally. And the best thing is that research at Science Gallery Melbourne can take many forms, with various degrees of commitment.

If you’re keen, we’d like to know a bit about you, your research interests, and your ideas about working with us and the public.

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What kind of collaborations are you interested in?

Pretty much anything! From live research experiments and observational studies, to analyses of our practices and your involvement in our many events. We’re happy to discuss with you how your interest and expertise best fits within our programs.

I’ve never worked with artists before. Is that a problem?

No. We previously brokered some very successful collaborations between artists and researchers, none of whom had any previous experience collaborating in those ways. We’ll always facilitate introductions and make sure that reasonable expectations and goals are set at the beginning.

I’m a junior researcher. Can I work with you?

Absolutely! As junior researcher there is a real opportunity and importance to showcase and communicate about your research to the public. It is a networking opportunity, a sense check, an opportunity to uncover new ideas, and it helps you discuss your work among a broad audience, including non-experts in the field.

What do I get out of collaborating with Science Gallery Melbourne?

Heaps! From 10,000s of interactions with your research in the gallery to exposing your expertise to global media and publics, everything is possible. Imagine how this can help you write academic articles, build your public profile and explore new career avenues. We’ll guide you along the way, and make sure all opportunities fit within your expectations.

Do I need ethics approval for my research experiment at Science Gallery Melbourne?

Most likely, yes. We’ll sit down and discuss this in detail with you as we better understand the exact proposal. In previous seasons, we have helped researchers obtain minimal risk ethics approval for complex projects.

What have previous collaborations resulted in?

Just to name a few: 10,000s of research data points, 40+ peer-reviewed academic publications, exhibits that travel globally and collect research data along the way, events with young and engaged audiences that learn about the latest innovations and practices, and exposure of your research in press to global media outlets such as BBC, Al Jazeera, World Economic Forum, The Age, Broadsheet and many more.

Why should I consider working with Science Gallery Melbourne?

Science Gallery Melbourne runs programs and exhibitions that expose the breadth of STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). As STEM professions occupy a significant part of the workforce, Science Gallery Melbourne is a venue that helps young adults to explore these disciplines and find pathways into education and employment.

What do you want in return?

We want you to be as excited as we are about public engagement and art-science. We also ask you to assign appropriate credit to Science Gallery Melbourne in the body and acknowledgements of any article that you (co)-author for academic or popular press. Make sure these articles also credit your collaborating academics and/or artists. We’re happy to proofread if you want our support.

Do you fund my idea?

We don’t fund research, but we contribute to public engagement. If your work is selected through our Open Call procedures, we can however provide financial support.